Tuesday, December 15, 2009


See, Hear & Speak No Hate

Sunset Water

Let It Out

Pen on paper.

Made on a Limb

Rorscach Inspiration

These are some Rorscach ink blot inspired works. I used paint instead of ink and multiple colors.

Come Alive: "Trapped 1 & 2"

Sketch turned into painting.

Ink Drawings



"We are heroes"

Some ink drawings from the last couple months.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Growth Series

Tree print series.

Nameless Faces

Black ink on paper. Hand-rub technique.

Heart Series

When printing, there is always a some leftover ink. So, instead of just throwing it away I have began to use the excess to create new art. I lay out a design on the glass counter and then lay the paper over it and hand-rub the print.